Research Professors

José Julio de Toledo
I am a biologist (2003, Mato Grosso State University), with Master´s degree in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation (2005, Federal University of Mato Grosso) and doctor in Ecology (2009 National Institute for Research in the Amazonia). Today I am professor of the Department of Environmental Sciences and advisor at both Post-Graduate Programs of Tropical Biodiversity and of Environmental Sciences at the Federal University of Amapá. My research interests are ecology, biodiversity and conservation in well protected and human-modified landscapes in Amazonian forests and savannas. I have specially focused on estimation of biomass and tree diversity in forests and savannas, and also in estimating the value of forest plantations for biodiversity conservation and maintenance of ecosystem services in the Amazonia. Additionally I have interest on understanding how environmental and host attributes determine distribution and diversity of epiphytes and how environmental factors affect plant functional traits.

Renato Hilário
I am a biologist graduated from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2003-2006), with Master's degree in Ecology, Conservation and Management from the same university (2007-2009) and PhD in Zoology from the Federal University of Paraíba (2009-2013). Currently I am a professor of the Department of Environment and Development at the Federal University of Amapá. I am interested in ecology of mammals, especially primates, and I work mainly on landscape ecology, animal-plant interactions and conservation biology.

Elizandra de Matos Cardoso
I am a biologist from the Federal University of Amapá, with Master's degree in Zoology from the Federal University of Pará/Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, concentration area: Evolution and Biodiversity. Currently, I am a professor at the Federal University of Amapá. I have experience and interest in Taxonomy, Molecular Systematics, Environmental Sensitization, Ecology with emphasis on Neotropical mammals. -