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The state of Amapá


The state of Amapá has special characteristics regarding the nature conservation, since about 70% of its area is occupied by conservation areas and indigenous lands. The state harbors dynamic ecosystems and high diversity of species. Dense terra- firme ombrophilous forests dominate the landscape, but there are also large tracts of flooded forest (on black and white water). The fourth largest area of Amazonian savannah is located in Amapá, and also, large flooded fields, restinga areas and mangroves are part of the landscape. The state has notorious aquatic ecosystems, as the whole southern portion and much of the southeast are bordered by the Amazon River. The tides have great influence on Amazon river and its tributaries, creating a daily flow either towards the mouth or downstream which increases da dynamics of these ecosystems. The northeast and north portions of the state are bordered by the Atlantic Ocean that receives thousands of tons of sediments from the Amazon river, which supports high productivity and rule the biogeochemistry of coastal ecosystems for hundreds of kilometes far from the river mouth.

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