
Biodiversity value and ecosystem services of Acacia mangium willd. plantations, natural savannas and forests in Northern Amazonia
Team: Ph.D José Julio de Toledo (Coordinator) – UNIFAP; Ph.D. Carolina Volkmer de Castilho – Brazilian Company of Agriculture in Roraima - EMBRAPA RR; Ph.D Reinaldo Imbrozio Barbosa – National Institute for Research in the Amazonia in Roraima - INPA RR; Msc. Jessica Soares Cravo - Master`s in Agroecology at State University of Roraima; Msc. Sidney Araújo de Sousa - Master´s in Natural Resources at Federal University of Roraima; Msc. Ricardo de Oliveira - INPA
Protected lands are not large enough to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem services worldwide. The combination of economic activities with biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services has been postulated as an efficient strategy. Thus, forest plantations have been evaluated about its conservation value and ecosystem services. In Northern Amazonia around 30,000 hectares of savannas were converted to plantations of Acacia mangium, but up to date there is no quantification of conservation value and ecosystem services provided by these forest plantations. This proposal aims to contribute to fill this gap, quantifying the diversity of wood-plant species, large and medium-sized mammals, bats, birds and also, determining biomass stocks in forest plantations and remnants of natural vegetation. This proposal is into a wide project for the evaluation of several ecological groups and ecosystem processes in the region, with the goal of furnishing an ample view about the effects of converting Amazonian savannas into forest plantations. This information will be the key for the establishment of management practices which benefit biodiversity conservation and provide ecosystem services in forest plantations in Amazonia.
This project takes place in a site of the Brazilian Research Program on Biodiversity - PPBio:
Key-words: biomass stocks, exotic species, mammals, wild plant species, bats, birds
Financial Support: Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq (Universal 459735/2014-4) and Federal University of Amapá (PAPESQ/UNIFAP Nº 015/2015).

Landscape studies in Amapá State, Brazilian Amazon
Ph.D Renato Richard Hilário – UNIFAP; Ph.D. José Julio de Toledo – UNIFAP; Ph.D. William Douglas de Carvalho – UNIFAP; MSc. Bayron Rafael Calle-Rendón – UNIFAP; MSc. Saulo Meneses Silvestre de Sousa – UNIFAP; Tony Noriega - UNIFAP; Angélica Martínez Alfonso; Adriane Formigosa – Instituto Mapinguarí
The advantage of landscape-level studies is the possibility of assessing broader questions, which cannot be answered by local investigations. The information generated by this type of research is often vital for the validity of conservation actions. The aim of this project is to survey biological groups (e.g.: mammals, birds, plants) at the landscape level in the Brazilian state of Amapá, describing how those groups interact with each other and the ways that they respond to landscape characteristics, including environmental variables (i.e. climate, matrix, connectivity), and anthropogenic factors (i.e. population density, main economic activities). In order to accomplish this, a number of localities throughout the state will be chosen, with a special interest for the region between Macapá and the Araguari River. The results of this project will help us understanding the factors that determine the patterns in species occurrence, and the key elements to which we should look at when trying to protect the still poorly known biodiversity of this state.
Financial Support: Conservation Leadership Programme (02327917); Primate Conservation Inc. (1357); Rufford Foundation (22322-1) and Idea Wild.